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About Us is a cooperative resource site for traditional worship, primarily Anglo-Catholic. In the Anglican Communion (or near it), there are many congregations and individuals who prefer traditional liturgical forms, regardless of how contemporary the tenets of that congregation may be. Traditional worship speaks to a part of us that wants to connect with the historic Church, part of a greater whole. This is particularly true in the changing and uncertain times we face in this century. Strangely enough, in one parish nearby, the most traditional mass is primarily attended by younger members – teenagers and early twenty-somethings. is not sponsored by or affiliated with any particular congregation. As we acknowledge “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all…” (Eph. 4:5-6), all who are of the faith or seeking it are welcome at our table. We hope that we will continue to serve as a gathering place and a rest stop on the journey.

Pax et bonum.